
Free Admission to Disney World on Your Birthday

Disney unveiled a special promotion on Christmas Day this year – free admission to their famous Orlando theme park on your birthday in 2009!  This is one of the most unique savings opportunities ever offered at Disney World and it is sure to affect the way people shop for their Disney vacations.  Families with twins or triplets will certainly want to take advantage of this deal.

Here is how the promotion works:

– You have to register at tFree Admission to Disney World on Birthdays in 2009he Disney World website and enter the birthdays for each family member that might use the discount.

– After registering, you will be directed to a confirmation page that you can print out at home.  Disney will also send you an email two weeks before each birthday that can also be used as a confirmation.

(Note: you don’t have to register to receive free admission as long as you have a valid ID when you enter the park.  However, unregistered participants will have to fill out the form in line so save yourself the time and headache by registering in advance.)

– There are other birthday specials available if you have already purchased a package or multi-day park ticket.  You can choose from ONE of the following:

1. A special birthday FASTPASS that lets you bypass long lines for certain attractions within the park you visit on your birthday.
2. A one-day Magic Your Way base ticket that can be used any time until your next birthday.
3. A birthday fun card in an amount equal to the price of a one-day Magic Your Way base ticket.  These are good for merchandise, recreation or fun activities at select participating locations at Disney World.  This card is only valid on the actual date of birth and any unused balance will expire the next day.

– Only adults over the age of 18 may register family members, and each participant receiving free admission must be accompanied by a registered adult who has proper identification.

If you are getting ready to plan your Disney vacation then it only makes sense to try and time it around this birthday promotion if possible.  Not only will it save you money, but we can’t think of a better way to spend a birthday then with Mickey Mouse and the Magic Kingdom!

58 thoughts on “Free Admission to Disney World on Your Birthday”

  1. I love the idea of a big birthday celebration! And the concept behind this promotion is very nice. However, for families that don’t live near the theme parks it is hardly practical. It would be better for the month of the birthday to be covered rather than just the date. The travel expense is too enormous to plan around one family member’s birthdate. You can save enough money in airfare to cover the ticket at a theme park for one person for one day by being more flexible. And how do you justify, as a parent, to the other children in your family that one child’s birthday is the one that the family should be at disneyworld. Just a thought as we hope to plan a trip there soon.

  2. I agree with you Yvette. As a mother of two it can create a probolem but it works out well for my family this year because of the age difference between my children. One is four and my youngest is one year old so he won’t be complaining this year at least. perhaps there are more fasmilies like mine that disney may hae had in mind when the birthday special was put in effect. either way I this kids don’t car why they’re going to disney world, they’ll just be happy and over joyed that they are going. Safe traveling to all.
    Desiree From Pa.

  3. I have tried to register my friend who will be 60 on the day we go to Epcot – 30th April 09. It will not allow me to register online from the uk. Pleas can you advise me how I can register to qualify for the gift card – we already have a 7 day ticket

    Thank you

  4. Judy –

    Not to worry…you can still register at the theme park entrance when you arrive. Just bring a photo ID with you to verify the birth date.

    The online registration is meant to save you time and prevent long lines at the entrance.


  5. Does the birthday fastpass have time restrictions or can this fastpass be used at chosen times throughout the day?


  6. Denise-

    There are no restrictions on the fastpass given with birthday promotion…but make sure you understand the fastpass rules.

    Here is a great overview from

    “The FASTPASS distribution line features a clock showing what times the tickets are being issued for. A clock with the current time is displayed outside the FASTPASS attraction entrance. The Standby line will have the current wait time posted.

    Let’s see how this all works. It’s 11:00am and you want to go on Kali River Rapids but there’s a 60 minutes wait posted outside the Standby line. You take a look at the FASTPASS distribution and see that passes are being issued with a return time of 1:00 – 2:00pm. You get your FASTPASS and instead of waiting on a one hour line, you have two free hours before coming back, bypassing the standby line and getting on Kali with little or no wait.

    For the attractions, the assigned time will give you a 1 hour window to return, so you don’t have to run back to be there the minute it goes into effect. With the theater attractions, you’ll have a FASTPASS for a specific performance.”

    Hope this helps!

  7. When you pick up your free ticket for 1 days admission at the park on your birthday, how long is the ticket good for ? Does it expire after the pick up date or is it good through to your next birthday?

  8. We are headed to Florida from Louisiana. My daughter, Tche-lin will be celeb rating “Sweet 16”. We can’t wait to Lessez le bon temp roule!!!

  9. I have tried to register online for my free birthday pass but it wont let me.
    What is the exact website I can go into to register

  10. I was wondering if there is any way to be able to get a free birthday pass a week prior to your birthday. My son is turning 7 on July 2, 2009, and we are taking vacation on June 20-26 due to my work schedule. Anyway he can get in free then? If anyone knows or has any Ideas, please let me know.

  11. Shanah – The Disney World Birthday Promotion is set to expire at the end of this year. No word yet on if it will be extended into 2010.

  12. We totally agree with Yvette. For families traveling a long distance (500 miles plus) there should be some flexibility so other family members can not be excluded. We are going to do this and we even have 3 birthdays that fall very close to our vacation date but because of the way things work out we will only be able to celebrate one Birthday. This has been a big pain to work around. The hard part is our 11 turning 12 year old son whoes birthday is 3 days before we arrive at disney will have to watch his sister turning 4 enjoy the special treatment.

  13. I would like to register my niece for free ticket on her birthday which is July 1st.
    what do I need to do ? Are you still honoring the free pass on your birthday?
    Please contact me and her mother Patsy and let us know. Thank in advance for your cooperation in this matter.

  14. I am wondering about the free birthday for us…we have our season passes for 2009-2010 and my husband is wanting to be able to have his birthday at the parks and it is March 17th 2010. Can we still do the birthday promotion since we had our passes in that year? Also is there a special time period we have to be at the parks for it?
    If on the special promotion for 2010 you have your season passes and you spend a day of special service volunteering can you exchange that day for something else?
    Thank You! Catrina Hernandez

  15. I am bringing my daughter, her new husband and his two sons down April 11-17. My daughter’s birthday is April 15. Unfortunately, one of my grandson’s birthdays isnt until the 25. I wish it would be birthdays within a certain month so that he could feel special. He is turning 7 and it is his and his brothers first time to Disney.

    We have already purchased the 3-day hopper passes for five days. If we could get the little guy his own special card for purchase it would truly make his birthday more memorable and he is the type of kid that would definitely share with his little brother. Thanks.

  16. So, i’m kind of confused here…the free disney admission on your birthday ISN”T for 2010? I need to know because my birthday is 6 days and I have no idea if its valid for this year..I’m planning on bringing my 3 closest friends while I get in free because of my birthday. Can someone help me please?! Thanks

  17. My daughters birthday is 6/24/1994 she will be 16years old,Can she still get her birthday celebrate at disney land?Pls give me number to call/contact me.thanks.

  18. Hi, I’m coming to visit in November and while i’m there it is both mine and my sons birthdays. Are disney still doing any free promotions to help us celebrate while we are there?
    Many thanx

  19. WHat sort of perks are available on your birthday at Disney? My daughter turns 11 on the 11th day of the 11th month is year.

  20. Is the Disney Birthday promotion going to be available in 2011? We had heard about this when we moved to Florida in August. I have a January 15 birthday and we were planning to come that weekend. Wondered if will be availalbe again?

  21. If the free birthday pass is not available, are the other promotions above available in 2011? If so, do I need to register somewhere?

  22. I was wondering how to obtain a free or discounted pass for DisneyWorld on your birthday or how to get discounted tickets?

  23. Is this offer still valid. I am taking my son to Universal Studios on his 5th birthday witch is Jan 29th 2011

  24. I am taking my twins to Disney (Orlando) on their 11th birthday February 7th 2011. Are there any specials going on. Heard there were free passes on your birthday. Can you let me know ASAP, thanks

  25. I would like for you to give us a free day at Disneyland because it is going to be my little sisters b-day and we want to make it special on march
    25th 2011 please !!! Thankyou:)

  26. Its my daughters birthday spetember 23,2011. We will be visiting disnt setp 18 through the 24 this year.I would love for her to have a special day.

  27. I will be at disney for my daughters birthday tomorrow. Can she get in for free? I have not registered is it too late.

  28. My wife will be celebrating her birthday on 3-24-2011 at a disney park. Is there a special Birthday celebration available this year?

  29. Have a grandson who will be celebrating his Birthday April 7th 2011. it will be his 5th . Is he eligible for this promotion as we are going to be at disney world for his birthday>

  30. Does no one read anything before they go posting the same question over and over again??? NO MORE FREE BIRTHDAY TICKETS!!!!

  31. My adopted son will be 6 in December. We want to plan 1st Disney trip . Can he get the free admission? Thanks

  32. What does it mean when you save the dollar bills with the letter of your first name?! Whats it for ?

  33. My douther is gona be 5 in october 4 can I get any discaunt for me and her dad… Is just for one day we a florida residents…..

  34. So this blogger has unfortunately fallen off the planet, good thing I wasn’t a follower but googled across this site and since there were other 2012 posts like myself, I thought I would return to tell you all, Disney customer service has responded to me and no, the free birthday admission promotion was only in 2009. Bummer 🙁

    Thank you for contacting the Walt Disney World® Resort. While we appreciate your interest the Free Birthday Pass on your birthday is no longer available. This offer was only available from January 1, 2009 – December 31, 2009. We are sorry if you were unable to attend on your birthday during 2009.

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