Disney World has just announced a special discount for Disney Chase VISA cardholders only. With this discount kids ages 3 to 9 years old get free room nights and park tickets.
In order to qualify you must book a minimum purchase a 3-night, 4-day Magic Your Way Package that includes room and park tickets. Payment and/or deposit must be made with a valid Disney VISA or Debit card. Availability is limited, and the offer cannot be combined with any other promotion.
Available dates include most nights between 2/17/11-4/16/11, 4/28/11-6/14/11 and 8/14/11-10/1/11. Reservations must be booked by 2/13/11 for stays between 2/17/11 – 4/16/11 and by 3/27/11 for stays between 4/28/11-6/14/11 and 8/14/11-10/1/11.
A family of four with 2 small children saves the most with this promotion. If you and your spouse have two children between the ages of 3 and 9, then all you would pay for is the adult room nights and tickets. Approximate savings is over $100 per day and per child!
This exclusive offer is currently for Disney VISA cardholders but may be open to the public in the future.
i would like prices for a family of four
travling to disney pop century wioth park hopper and meal plan
traveling sat-sat in april
Which Hotels honor this so i can book?
What is the pricing for the 3-night 4-day trip if taken in September 2011? We are looking at the weeks beginning Sun. 09/11/11 or Sun. 09/18/11. What is the price for 7-night 6-day? We would be looking at a value resort for both packages. Is this offer from someone other than Chase or Disney World?